I had an issue today where I was connecting to a Windows Server 2003 machine and after logging in my RDP desktop was black. I could see icons, but text, menus, etc., did not show up. This is due to corrupted/incorrect color settings in the registry.
Here is what I did to fix it. Replace the bold parts with your SID.
- Opened the registry and browsed to HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS NT\CURRENTVERSION\PROFILELIST and found the SID associated with my login account. In this case, it was S-1-5-21-269 (part of the SID omitted)
- Still in registry editor, browsed to HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-269\CONTROL PANEL\COLORS
- I noticed most of the values, if not all, were set to ‘0 0 0’. I backed up the registry key.
- Create a new registry editor file (.reg) and paste these values into it:
[HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-269\Control Panel\Colors]
“ActiveBorder”=”212 208 200”
“ActiveTitle”=”0 84 227”
“AppWorkSpace”=”128 128 128”
“Background”=”0 78 152”
“ButtonAlternateFace”=”181 181 181”
“ButtonDkShadow”=”113 111 100”
“ButtonFace”=”236 233 216”
“ButtonHilight”=”255 255 255”
“ButtonLight”=”241 239 226”
“ButtonShadow”=”172 168 153”
“ButtonText”=”0 0 0”
“GradientActiveTitle”=”61 149 255”
“GradientInactiveTitle”=”157 185 235”
“GrayText”=”172 168 153”
“Hilight”=”49 106 197”
“HilightText”=”255 255 255”
“HotTrackingColor”=”0 0 128”
“InactiveBorder”=”212 208 200”
“InactiveTitle”=”122 150 223”
“InactiveTitleText”=”216 228 248”
“InfoText”=”0 0 0”
“InfoWindow”=”255 255 225”
“Menu”=”255 255 255”
“MenuText”=”0 0 0”
“Scrollbar”=”212 208 200”
“TitleText”=”255 255 255”
“Window”=”255 255 255”
“WindowFrame”=”0 0 0”
“WindowText”=”0 0 0”
“MenuHilight”=”49 106 197”
“MenuBar”=”236 233 216” - Place the .reg file on the machine in question and import the settings into the registry. Log on with the user and all color settings should be restored.